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SALES & MARKETING: Effective Programs to Increase Top Line Revenue

Acara develops Spa Marketing Programs that maximize top line performance and build sustainability for your business.


Vision, Mission & Concept Envisioning

A Concept Envisioning begins with a brainstorming session involving all of the stakeholders. This meeting utilizes a guided approach to discover the potential for your business’ vision and mission.

The Envisioning Session's discussion points include: vision, mission, branding, culture, differentiation, color & texture and measurements of success.

The Envisioning process is summarized within a document that states the business’ Vision, Mission, Concept and Program Components. This initial Concept Summary also includes a list of the Primary Services that are contained within each Program Component selected along with their descriptions.




Marketing Program Review & Action Plan


Market Analysis & Research


Marketing Plan Development


Promotions Planning


Sales Programs & Training


Internet Strategy Development